Accept your genius and say what you think. Ralph Waldo Emerson A place where I can be myself! Express myself, and have fun all at the same time!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Spring Here We Come (I Hope)

Well, It has been a great week for me. We have had the strangest weather ever, Monday it was like 32, tuesday it was probably 50, yesterday was AMAZING!!!!!!!! it was almost 70 and we did all sorts of stuff. I took a walk and played soccer. And then we had an amazing worship night at my youthgroup! IT WAS DA BOMB!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE IT!!!! AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! And today it rained like anything, and now i am being bored typing stuff on my blog. Also last night we celebrated the last day of february (i think thats how u spell it?) and im so happy because tommorow maybe i get to visit my brother at college! SO YAY!!!


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