Accept your genius and say what you think. Ralph Waldo Emerson A place where I can be myself! Express myself, and have fun all at the same time!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I recently found out that my being ball boy for the Wizards has been cancelled, I guess that he told us before it was confirmed (that was sure nice of him :( so i guess he will tell us if any there are any openings, which is very unlikely. Ok now that you know that, I am going to hit you with some other bad news. I also just found out that Halloween is a Communist controlled holiday, it's mission is to make our young'ins fat and dumb with candy bars that have subliminal messages printed on them, these subliminal messages say things like 2+3=4 or stuff like Bush is a natzi. So I implore you to lock your kids in the house on Halloween, or else they will grow up to be another dumb person that has no other choice but to be a politician. So, Remember responsible parents and kids, don't go out on halloween, or else you will be brainwashed with these terrible messages. Also I am sorry, but i have been bribed not to tell you the names of these candy bars (hey, i need the money :). so don't hope to try and just give your kids "special" candy bars, it won't work!


Blogger Daniel said...

ROFL!! I don't go out. I just buy, eat, and give!

10/02/2006 1:37 PM

Blogger Tim P. said...

wait! I thought 2+3 does =4 are you saying it doesn't?

10/02/2006 3:46 PM

Blogger Boy of Destiny said...

I also was disillusioned into believing that 2+3=4. But after reading about this scam, I now know better!

10/02/2006 4:59 PM

Blogger Daniel said...

But 2+3 DOES = 4... Do the math! Take the square root of twice 2 and take away 1/2 of 3 and add the same!

10/15/2006 12:41 PM


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