Accept your genius and say what you think. Ralph Waldo Emerson A place where I can be myself! Express myself, and have fun all at the same time!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Wizards Rock!

I have been invited to be a ball boy for the Wizards soccer team! My entire soccer team is doing it some time at the end of October I can’t wait! It will be a very portentous time, and I will finally get to meet some of my favorite soccer players! Also my sisters birthday was yesterday, happy birthday if your reading this!


Blogger Daniel said...

You need to fix you links.

replace you current links with this code:

Google News
Tim's Blog
Wraith's Blog

Please don't use my real name at all, thanks!

9/22/2006 7:05 PM

Blogger Daniel said...

oops... it posted them as links...

uhh... I'll E-Mail ya.

9/22/2006 7:05 PM

Blogger Tim P. said...

you're so supercilious... :)

9/27/2006 2:58 PM


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